㊙️【因為相信所以看見】所以真正的相信是不需要看見的。Faith is believing without seeing.
[160]周文強|因為相信所以看見,鏈接高維才能看見別人看不見的。 - YouTube 仁山法師: 因為相信所以看見 到彼岸 - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@Dao-bian 玄一:阿彌陀佛 信為道源功德母 長養一切諸善根 不可以少 善根福德因緣得生彼國 南無阿彌陀佛 西方極樂世界 【看見vs看不見】 ㊙️因為相信所以看見 I see because I believe. Believing Is Seeing. 所以真正的相信是不需要看見的。 So true belief does not require seeing. Faith is believing without seeing. 很多人不相信(上帝),並不是出於理性的思考,而是出於自己「先入為主」的觀念! 馬雲說,不作惡不是科技公司的目標,而是底線。 “大部分人因為看見,所以相信;領導力是因為相信,所以看見。領導力意味著看到別人看不到的事情。” Leadership is determined by mission. “For most people, they see and believe. We believe, and then we see. For leadership, we have to see things that other people don’t see.” 領導力由使命決定,“大部分人因為看見,所以相信;領導力是因為相信,所以看見。領導力意味著看到別人看不到的事情。” The world today needs leadership. Not to prove how good you are, but to enable mankind to solve problems together. We need to work for a better future by creating more value. A leader should do things that other people haven’t thought about and things that are necessary for society, consumers and people. A leader needs to be smart ...