永言配命,自求多福。- you be seeking for much happiness.
◼️ 不知命無以為君子 ◼️ 永言配命,自求多福。 Always striving to accord with the will [of Heaven]. So shall you be seeking for much happiness. 永遠努力符合[天]的意志。 所以你會尋求更多的幸福。 Never say that you are unlucky, happiness needs to be strived for by yourself. 永遠不要說自己運氣不好,幸福需要自己去爭取。 人間百年筆陣 反求諸己 自求多福 https://www.merit-times.com/NewsPage.aspx?unid=486711 ◼️ 依報隨著正報轉 ◼️ 吉人自有天相 ◼️ 上天有好生之德 ◼️ 天無絕人之路 ◼️ 《正大光明》匾額 ◼️ 身正不怕影子斜 Being upright is not afraid of slanting shadows 正直不怕斜影 比喻只要行為端正,不怕謠傳中傷。 ◼️ 上善若水,厚德載物。 ◼️ 德不孤必有鄰